Friday 22 June 2012

Latest Headlines

Below are some "Headlines" from one of the newspapers in Kenya.  It gives a feel of what it is like to live here and what frustrations one could imagine on the way things are.

Leading up to the elections the MP's in Parliment changed the constitution a couple of days ago and upon outrage from the general population have back tracked a bit;
"MP's reinstate clauses on varsity degrees" (University degree to hold office) The government MP's felt it was ok to hold just a grade eight standard, but I guess the people felt different.  It would be like a grade eight in Canada running for MP... and I do not even want to mention the low quality of education hear, except to say a grade four in Canada is like a grade 8 here.  There are currently about 80 MPs who do not have a University education so this is very threatening for them.  The constitution states that all MPs are to have a University eduction by the fourth round of Presidential elections.  Needles to say the MPs play with the constitution to feed themselves and push things to an unbelievable limit.  MP's are awarded a salary of about $300,000 US with a bonus for when they leave.  In addition they have the right to run side business while in office and are privy to many contracts etcetera...meanwhile the average Kenyan makes about $1.00 per day!

"Prayer most important weapon for KDF in Somalia battle."

'Idle' villagers impregnate 15 schoolgirls.

"Women won't have direct nomination in next election."

"Man found with stolen cow in bedroom denied bail"

"Man charged with attempted rape on neighbors' daughter freed."  (because he could afford the bribe!)

"Man killed, another injured by Hippo."  (It's called payback)

"Bandits injure herder, steal over 100 goats."

 "Police officer's body found hanging."  (stop the graft set ups and you might have lived!)  Sooner or later people just get pissed off...

"Tribal clashes in Kisumu region leave 105 dead and many injured.

"Israel says clock ticking after Iran talks fail."  (Refering to Irans continuing nuclear arms development program)

"A man was burried today with a live cow on top of him."  (Due to a tribal debt owed where a dowery had not been fully paid.)

Thats it for now, love most of you and try to be kind to one another!

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