Tuesday 12 June 2012

Eldoret and Other Thoughts

The town of Eldoret, where we have lived for the past six months in Kenya, is best described as a non event.  The population is purported at around 30,000 with a sprawl that eventually thins into villages and hamlets.  These outer areas are harsh for the people who live, but one could say it is like stepping back in time in some of the more remote areas. 
Eldoret proper has a couple of new buildings being constructed, one to have underground parking.  My observations are that this soon to be six story structure, quite high by Eldoret standards, will most likely collapse in about six to ten years. A common occurrence as building codes are not observed and inspectors are regularly bribed.
The town of Eldoret is congested with its hackers, beggars, sellers, cons and prostitutes.  Garbage and refuse is everywhere with open sewers with the stench of raw sewage.  One Indian Restaurant we frequent sells my favorite cigars in the back of the house.  Upon query I was lead by a waiter to a room down a hallway, past a large group of locals playing poker, then down another narrow hallway to a private area.  Here I met the owner and some of his associates.  He was pleased to hear I was from Canada and sold me some cigars.  I was happy to be able to feed my vice.  He queried if there was anything else I might desire pointing to two beautiful young Indian girls for sale.  I declined as my wife was at home waiting for me.  He suggested something perhaps a bit younger and led me to another side room that was locked.  Inside were two more very young black girls about twelve, maybe fourteen.  I said perhaps some other time and headed for the door.  Sadly enough seventy percent of African girls will have lost themselves by the age of eleven.  I hazard the guess that this in most cases is not a willing endeavor!  It may also be noted that approximately seventy percent of men beat their wives.
Today, as I strolled down town to purchase some goods at the "Tusky" store, where the whites and the affluent blacks shop, I was flagged by a very fat, ugly white woman.  Her hair was dirty blond with some stuck to her face and forehead as she chomped on a sandwich.  She had tight shorts on that no one of that weight should ever wear.  Her attire ranked with the old European men that wear speeds on the beaches.  It should be against the law.  She asked if I was a local and stated that I was in from Canada for about one year.  She said she was here from the southern states to spread the word of Jesus.  She had been hear about one week with some other trumpeters.  She proceeded to descend into the all to familiar drawl of a born again, stating how badly this place needed God.  I turned to her and said that perhaps she should put her sandwich down and start working, adding that "Hands that help are better than lips that pray." A "hefty" come back, but a quick out for me!
The Minister of Internal Security, that I mentioned meeting in a previous blog, died in a helicopter crash two days ago. He was running for President.

This is common as most can not afford health care.  

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