Sunday 10 June 2012

June 10, 2012

Sea Uchin on the shore

Millipedes having a little fun

Beach at Kilifi


Fourth largest Baobob tree in Kenya
Hello all.  Jim has been doing all the blogging lately so I thought that I would give it a go today.  Life is carrying on here.  Some days living in a developing country is really difficult.  I keep telling Jim that it will make us better people and that it is a learning experience.  That it is.  Every day I learn patience.  Every day I learn how mean and cruel and corrupt people can be.  Every day I learn how compassionate and loving other people can be.  I am happy that I am here after 20 years of wanting to do this (work in a developing country) because now I have it out of my system.  I think that I will always stay connected in some way or another (helping kids and young adults go to school) but I know that for my family, this is not the place to be for a long period of time.  One year will be enough.  I am truly grateful to be Canadian.  I will say that again.  I am truly grateful to be Canadian. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having an amazing experience Lori. Will be good to see you when you get back!
