Tuesday 6 March 2012

Random thoughts by Lori - March 7, 2012

Every day is a new learning experience.
Grade 4 at Lions School - teachers show up to teach class about 50% of the time. Today only the Social Studies teacher showed up.
The beautiful smell of flowers in the fresh morning air.
The putred smell of rotting dog carcass at side of road every morning for the past 2 weeks
The smiling faces, handshakes and habari (how are you) as you walk down the street
The Christian Religion Education teacher threatening Alex with corporal punishment
Beautiful drive to the Kakamega rainforest through the Nandi Hills; beautiful walk in the pouring rain through the rainforest
Alex and Otte soaking wet from playing the rain and having to strip their clothes off for the ride back in the van.
More traffic accidents and deaths that you can imagine. No seatbelt use. Choose a lane, any lane. No bicycle helmets. People hanging off of mutatus (mini buses) on the highway going 80 km per hour.  Pedestrians and cyclist trying to avoid the mass of vehicles.
Excellent Indian Food. Mmmm
Riding 2 hours over the worst road I have ever been on because it was supposed to be better than the road that we arrived on.  A great and careful driver got us home safely.
Realizing that the Kenyan honeymoon is over.
Amazingly smart and competent colleagues.
Bureaucracy, bureaucracy, bureaucracy
Skyping with family and friends to keep tied to home
Thinking of my brother who starts chemotherapy today
Ugly poverty in your face; living in a nice house with all the amenities; looking out my back window to the neighbor living in a boxcar.
Cows everywhere.  I love cows.  Seriously. I am so happy when I see them.
My friend Michael with the beautiful smile finally getting to go on leave (vacation) after working 11 hours per day, 7 days per week for one and a half years.  Craziness.  Good news is, we are going to his place tomorrow evening to meet his wife before he goes home to his village for his leave. Sweetest man ever.
Dancing and connecting with the women at a Kalenjin Engagement party.
I love all the women in my life. It is a bond that I value greatly.
Not missing winter . . . at all. However, rains are coming.
Local, fresh fruits and vegetables at market every day of the week. Fresh roasted vegetables all the time. Mmmmm.
Kenyan men who want a white girlfriend / wife . . . or ticket to another country.
Kenyan women who work extremely hard and keep this country running.
Electricity going off for periods of time.
Large flying beetle like bug in house tonight - ugh.
Missing my friends and family back home but making new friends here. Always room for more.
Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Lori, I've been following your journey albeit silently from the sidelines. I had to write to tell you how proud I am of you and how much I admire you for your courage to take on this journey and for having the strength to see it through!!!! I miss you and am looking forward to seeing you, will keep you in my prayers for a safe return.
