Laikipia district covers approximately 2 million acres running along the Rift Valley across the Equator. The land scape is rolling, fertile all the way to the foot of Mount Kenya. At some 15,000 feet above sea level the mountain peak is frequently covered with clouds. Many elders can still be found worshipping the God Mountain.
We drove from Eldoret to our lodge called Bantu, some seven hours over realatively good roads.
Our site seeing included traveling through a conservatory, privately owned, to see chimps saved from Uganda (Jane Goodalls'). We viewed white and black rhinos, giraffe and elephants to name some of the wildlife. We also travelled on hoarse back to the Mau Mau caves which was a hide out during the Mau Mau revolution in the 1950's. We hiked to the first camp base at Mount Kenya and proceeded a little further. The views were breathtaking. Below are some pics and short comments on our last trip as a family prior to Alex and I heading home. I am travelling to Rwanda for a short visit and was planning to traverse through Tanzinia where my first cousin Janet was Canadian Ambassador for the High Commision, but have decided to fly to avoid some hot spots. Janet was and is a keen supporter of Grandmothers without Boarders and was active in AIDS advocation while posted in Tanzinia.
I hope you like the pics and look forward to postings from Rwanda.
About three quarters way to Mount Kenya.
The hills are very fertile. In actuality Kenya has the ability to feed not only itself but about one third of Africa. Unfortunately the will and any semblance of expertise does not exist to manage the change from small plot farming to industialized farming.
It is always delightful to see a Point Seta seven feet high. They actually grow into very large trees given the opportunity.
This is some of the rare wild life. This species called humans is endangered due to over grazing of the natural habitat and the inability to strike a balance with Mother Nature!
Alex and Dad hanging out.
A family of Baboons in the grounds at our Lodge.
In Uganda Jane Goodall had set up a sanctuary for chimps. Unfortunately all of Northern and Central Uganda have serious security issues now and for the past twenty years or so. Kony and other sub groups terrorizing the country side with a government running a failed state and has either encouraged at times or ignored the violence. Her chimps and many new adopties have found their way to Kenya.
They all live in a electric fenced compound about six square kilometers (lots of space) and are guarded 24/7.
Mom and Dad with Baby.
Alex with Paul. Paul is one of the park Rangers. They shoot to kill poachers. There is a big problem with Somalians coming over the boarder and killing Elephants and Rhinos for the tusks/horns. Paul and his men had killed two Somalians two weeks ago who were brazen enough to come into the park in an attempt to take an Elephant. It was a night kill Paul told us and he was very proud to have hit one between the eyes!
A beautiful sky.
I did not take many pictures of birds but they are the most unique and colorful anywhere in the world.
Baarak (After the President of the United States) was taken in after he was in a fight with another Rhino, Baarak lost one eye then had a problem with his good eye so he is now blind. Fortunately a Rhino has keen smell and hearing so he can still find his way around fairly well.
Alex and Mom walking up the hiking path from the first launch base camp. That was as far as we went.
Could be mid U.S. but its not.
To do something for Mom we took her to a cooperative spinning mill. This is a micro business that has been running 35 years and now employs 150 women.
These are mops made of stick contruction
The Mau Mau caves where they hid from the British in the 1950's while fighting for independence. The British found the location and bombed the cave that once had an almost complete "roof" over the water hole. At the time 3,000 people were hiding there but were tipped off and no deaths occured this time.
The resistance was quickly put down with many brutal deaths. It did however move the country towards indipendence as the British became weary policing the soon to be country of Kenya.
Kids on school break.
We drove from Eldoret to our lodge called Bantu, some seven hours over realatively good roads.
Our site seeing included traveling through a conservatory, privately owned, to see chimps saved from Uganda (Jane Goodalls'). We viewed white and black rhinos, giraffe and elephants to name some of the wildlife. We also travelled on hoarse back to the Mau Mau caves which was a hide out during the Mau Mau revolution in the 1950's. We hiked to the first camp base at Mount Kenya and proceeded a little further. The views were breathtaking. Below are some pics and short comments on our last trip as a family prior to Alex and I heading home. I am travelling to Rwanda for a short visit and was planning to traverse through Tanzinia where my first cousin Janet was Canadian Ambassador for the High Commision, but have decided to fly to avoid some hot spots. Janet was and is a keen supporter of Grandmothers without Boarders and was active in AIDS advocation while posted in Tanzinia.
I hope you like the pics and look forward to postings from Rwanda.
About three quarters way to Mount Kenya.
The hills are very fertile. In actuality Kenya has the ability to feed not only itself but about one third of Africa. Unfortunately the will and any semblance of expertise does not exist to manage the change from small plot farming to industialized farming.
It is always delightful to see a Point Seta seven feet high. They actually grow into very large trees given the opportunity.
Alex and Dad hanging out.
A family of Baboons in the grounds at our Lodge.
In Uganda Jane Goodall had set up a sanctuary for chimps. Unfortunately all of Northern and Central Uganda have serious security issues now and for the past twenty years or so. Kony and other sub groups terrorizing the country side with a government running a failed state and has either encouraged at times or ignored the violence. Her chimps and many new adopties have found their way to Kenya.
Mom and Dad with Baby.
Alex with Paul. Paul is one of the park Rangers. They shoot to kill poachers. There is a big problem with Somalians coming over the boarder and killing Elephants and Rhinos for the tusks/horns. Paul and his men had killed two Somalians two weeks ago who were brazen enough to come into the park in an attempt to take an Elephant. It was a night kill Paul told us and he was very proud to have hit one between the eyes!
A beautiful sky.
Baarak (After the President of the United States) was taken in after he was in a fight with another Rhino, Baarak lost one eye then had a problem with his good eye so he is now blind. Fortunately a Rhino has keen smell and hearing so he can still find his way around fairly well.
Could be mid U.S. but its not.
These are mops made of stick contruction
Kids on school break.
Love most of you. Try to be kind to one another.
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