Monday, 24 September 2012

Last 30 minutes in Kenya

Hi all. Thought I would share a few thoughts in my last 30 minutes before I board my plane. As you look at the few pictures above, you may think, why would Lori miss Eldoret.  Well this is why I will miss my time in Eldoret, Turbo, Mosoriot and Kenya in general.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Kenya to Canada

After some discussion my beautiful wife Lori and I made the decision to leave Kenya.  With hightened volatility in the region and most likely more violence with the coming "elections" it was time to leave.  Alex and I left for Canada leaving my wife to finish up her work.  It has been about five weeks since landing back home.
It is bitter sweet when one leaves after working in a post election violent region for some nine months.  Yes, we had some wonderful times with safari trips, meeting some of the most incredible and resiliant people one could ever hope to meet.  Friendships made and then you leave.  You leave knowing these people face hardships we can never imagine back home here in Canada.  You can have a little holiday in Africa, but to live there it is truly different.  These people can not just leave for 'greener' pasters, they must carry on in the face of oppressive governments, corruption and overall failed states. Their strength is in their hope.  A hope that others most fortunate can help.
I was depressed when I got home to Canada.  It took some four weeks to clear my mind.  I still see images of small children, women and men who haunt me in my dreams and waking moments.
This was still a privilidge to serve, to instill hope and to go back one day and build a school for some 120 kids in a region of little hope.
I came from a political and business elite family background but was also fortunate to have a good mother and father who eventually instilled enough in me to ground this dissident son.
This experience has changed me profoundly.  I hope and pray that I can get back there some day to help out in a bit better way.
Perhaps universal rights come with universal responsibilities.  How do we who benifit from the wealth of other Nations redistribute back to those in need.  I had a dream the other night where two children from Africa visited me and said "You promised you would return."  Left me cold yet at the same time vigilant to produce an outcome.


God Bless and please visit our web site as we prepare fundraising for an eleven room school.